Kyoto #25: 萬福寺【Manpuku-Ji】

Must-See Historical Architecture
Walking through them, you’ll finally get to the Daio-hoden which is the main building there. It’s built in 1668 and registered for Important Cultural heritages. In addition, there are so many statues inside!! The best thing of all, it’s so huge and magnificent appearance and also people feel like time stands till there!!


Interesting and Great Things
①Wooden Fish Board
Wooden board called “Kaipan” is shaped like a carp fish, which lives always with its eyes open. This is because it is the symbol of hard monastery training with short sleep. Additionally, the sphere-shaped object which held in its mouth represents bon-no (all sorts of bad mental states that cloud one’s mind). Hitting the back of kaipan means letting bon-no get away from the stomach.1)


②Great Atmosphere
At the precinct here, people can see great scene and feel magnificent atmosphere. For instance, seasonal flowers and the combination of nature and traditional architectures. Please don’t miss them too!!



Lanterns and nature

This time, we have introduced Manpuku-Ji in Kyoto. When you come to Kyoto, you should visit there and see its beauty and magnificence. You can experience awesome atmosphere and nature there.


Sightseeing Kyoto#1: 清水寺【Kiyomizu-Dera Temple】 Kyoto#2: 高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】 Kyoto#3: 金閣寺【Kinkaku-Ji […]


・ Open: 9:00-17:00

・Admission Fee: 500yen(Adult)

・HP URL(English):


1)  Citation reference