Japanese Swords Shrine
Awata Shrine in Kyoto.
Awata shrine is well known as one of the places related to Japanese sword. For example, these are really famous and popular in Japan. In addition, a swordsmith was a part of the swordsmiths in the past, so it is famous that the swordsmiths and gods of blacksmiths are enshrined in the precincts.
・三日月宗近【Mikazuki Munetika】made by 三条宗近【Munechika Sanjo】
・一期一振【Ichigo-Hitohuri】made by 粟田口吉光【Yoshimitsu Awataguchi】
※Examples of Japanse swords
Each sword has own long history, so I can’t let you know everything about them!! But It’s worth seeing and knowing about them deeply. If you’re interested in these swords you should google them and see how beautiful they are!!!
Awata shirine
Awata shrine is located at Awataguchi as the starting point of Tokaido ・Tosando roads, so people have prayed for their travel safety for a long time. That’s why, as I said previously, it’s also been getting well-known Awata shrine brings travel safety and travel guard.
Relathinship with Yasaka Shrine…
Awata Shrine has a deep connection with Yasaka Shrine. At the Awata Shrine’s annual festival, a sword frog, a shrine with various decorations attached to the end of a long stick imitating a sword called “Kenhoko“, has been used together with a portable shrine. This sword frog is said to be the prototype of the Kenhoko used in the Gion Festival.
Kenhoko at Gion Festival
Historical appearance and atmosphere…
Although the main shrine of Awata Shrine is small, it has a strong structure that makes you feel the style of history. In summer, the trees are cool and the worshipers who come up the long stairs can relax. Everything here look all classic and old atmosphere so much.

In addition, the faith spreads as it watches over and protects the departure of life. They has a special amulet for travel safety based on the dinamic Sacred horse statue in the grounds. Please go to Awata shrine when you start your new life!!!

This time, we have introduced Saga-toriimoto area in Kyoto. When you come to Kyoto, you should visit there. You can experience awesome atmosphere and nature and great dishes there.
Sightseeing Kyoto#1: 清水寺【Kiyomizu-Dera Temple】 Kyoto#2: 高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】 Kyoto#3: 金閣寺【Kinkaku-Ji […]