Kyoto #2: 高台寺【Kodai-Ji】Part2

Today’s topic is

台寺 【Kodai-Ji Temple】in Kyoto

目次 ~Contents~

Have you enjoyed the previous one??
If you’ve not seen and checked it, you should go Part1 first and then read this!!
I posted the previous one about the introduction of 高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】, and this time I’ll show you more detail about Night Special Exhibition called 百鬼夜行展【Hyakki Yagyo】


This time, I’ll show you fabulous photos of 百鬼夜行展【Hyakki Yagyo】
It has lots of interesting and awesome attractions which makes you smile and fantastic.

In addition, you’ll be able to walk around the precinct of Kodai-Ji Temple at night!!
This is one of the great experiences there!!

Don’t miss it!!!


百鬼夜行展【Hyakki Yagyo】

百鬼夜行展【Hyakki Yagyo】 ~Night Special Exhibition~ is held during summer, especially from the middle of July to the end of August.

First of all, do you know 百鬼夜行【Hyakki Yagyo】??

百鬼夜行【Hyakki Yagyo】means Nightin Parade of One Hundred Demons.
Hyakki Yagyo is a monster parade that has been said to march through the capital during the Heian period.


Why 百鬼夜行【Hyakki Yagyo】is related to 高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】??

As I said before, Kodai-Ji Temple was built by 北政所ねね【Nene】who married 豊臣秀吉【Hideyoshi Toyotomi】 who unified the whole of Japan in the old days for the purpose to build is known for praying for the repose of the soul of him.

So it’s well known it as a funeral place since ancient times, that’s why many legends and stories of ghosts and human souls remain.
It seems that the display of ghost paintings at the temple also has the meaning of offering.
Please feel a special moment to feel a different world!!

Let’s enjoy cool and fantastic night show!!!


参道【Stone stairway】
Lanterns which is illustrated several ghosts and monsters on it are hung all over the gates and grounds.


⭐️Night show
百鬼夜行展【Hyakki Yagyo Show】

The story of this show has changed every year!
This means this show will never bother you even if you go to see it every year!

But all stories are based on the old story of 百鬼夜行【Hyakki Yagyo】.

The theme is 輪廻【Rin’ne】which means reincarnation in English that is said as a cycle of cause and effect, a cycle of life and death, a cycle of the universe like that.

I don’t think I need to say anything anymore about this show!!
Please watch and feel Japanese arts with great illumination!!

The best way to feel how awesome it is is to visit and see in person!!!
Let’s come there to see it!!


夜間拝観【Night views】

The combination of lights and landscape, heritages is pretty damn cool and beautiful.
Those scenery makes you wanna come there again next year.

That’s how beautiful and awesome it is!
It’s worth to visit there while the night special exhibitioin is held duing summer.

That’s all about 高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】 How did you like it so far?? Are you satisfied ??? If you have any question and favor, please let me know here or twitter or IG.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post as much as I did!! Thank you for reading !!!!


Sightseeing Kyoto#1: 清水寺【Kiyomizu-Dera Temple】 Kyoto#2: 高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】 Kyoto#3: 金閣寺【Kinkaku-Ji […]


・ Open: Summer Exhibition 7/15-8/30

・Admission Fee: 600 yen (Adult)



Please go and see them directly!!
And then I want you to get an awesome experience there!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did!!
And if you did, don’t forget to give me a message or share with your friends!!

I’m very pleased to get your messages!

Alright! Guys! Thank you so much for watching!!
I hope you will spend a wonderful time today.
See you later!