Kyoto #2: 高台寺【Kodai-Ji】Part1

Today’s topic is

台寺 【Kodai-Ji Temple】in Kyoto

目次 ~Contents~

Do you know about 高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】??

This is deeply related to Japanese history!!
Kodai-Ji Temple is a popular tourist spot around Higashiyama-area.
It is close to the Kiyomizu-Dera approach, making it an indispensable place for hiking in Higashiyama.

It is located between 清水寺【Kiyomizu-Dera  Temple】and 八坂神社【Yasaka-shrine】.
And also the street between them is so beautiful and you can feel old traditional Kyoto.
I’ll write some posts about Kyoto’s street after I write some about temples and shrine. Please check it out!!!

Ans also some events are held there many times every year!!
So I’ll introduce not only the history and highlights but also a special event there!!


高台寺【Koudai-Ji Temple】

高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】, where is located at Higashiyama, and officially called 鷲峰山 高台寿聖禅寺【Washuzan Koudaiju Shozen-Ji Temple】.

This is a very historical place, this temple was built by 北政所ねね【Nene】who married 豊臣秀吉【Hideyoshi Toyotomi】 who unified the whole of Japan in the old days for the purpose to build is known for praying for the repose of the soul of him.

So Kodai-Ji Temple is famous for some people who know and like about historical things and heritages.

When you walk on the long street called ねねの道【Nene-no-Michi】, you’ll find this stone stairway as below.
Go up this long stone slope to Kodai-Ji temple.


参道【Stone stairway】


You go up this stairway, then get to 高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】

高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】
There are many attractions such as buildings designated as important cultural properties and large gardens.
It is lit up in spring and autumn, and the scenery varies depending on the season, so you can enjoy Kodai-Ji Temple at that time.

Kodai-Ji Temple is also called ねねの寺【Nene-no-Tera】徳川家康 【Ieyasu Tokugawa】who was the most famous and successful general in Japan also helped with the construction, and it was a wonderful temple.

However, most of them were burnt down by repeated fires, and now there are 開山堂【Kaizan-Do Hall】, 霊屋【Otamaya】, 茶室の傘亭【Kasatei】, 時雨亭【Shiguretei】, 観月台【Kangetsudai】


茶室 遺芳庵【Teahouse Iho-An】


The room to watch the moon and night sky.


日本庭園【Japanese Garden】
This garden called 名勝【Meisho】 is one of the best Japanese traditional gardens in Japan.


I still have lots of things about 高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】, so I’ll tell you more specific information on next post!!! Actually, I prefer the night version to the day time version. I hope you guys enjoyed this post as much as I did!!


・ Open: 9:00 A.M to 5:30 P.M

・Admission Fee: 600 yen (Adult)



Please go and see them directly!!
And then I want you to get an awesome experience there!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did!!
And if you did, don’t forget to give me a message or share with your friends!!

I’m very pleased to get your messages!

Alright! Guys! Thank you so much for watching!!
I hope you will spend a wonderful time today.
See you later!