Kyoto #1: 清水寺 【Kiyomizu-Dera Temple】Part3

Wonderful and Cool Event
Thousand Days Visit in Kyoto

目次 ~Contents~

Kiyomizu-dera temple has many interesting and attractive events through a year. I’ll introduce the best night event from among a number of them, which is held during 8/9~16 every year. This night event attracts many tourists and photographers. 千日詣り・宵詣り【Thousand Days Visit・Night Visit】 will be carried out in time for the summer day.


Special events

Thousand Days Visit
千日詣り【Thousand Days Visit】 refers to the day when you can get the same benefits and merits as if you visit and pray 1,000 days a day. Kiyomizu-Dera’s thousand days visit is usually held from August 9th to 16th, and during the Bon Festival, August 14, 15th, 16th. It is said to be a “day when the relationship is strengthened”, and is originally called “Thousand Days Visit” for a limited period.


Why 1,000 days?? It seems that it was a common custom to pray every day for 1,000 days before the general rule of the thousand days visit was popularized. However, there are some who are born weak and who can’t go even if they want to go. Therefore, it is said that a special day such as a traditional Buddha’s festival was born, which we can get merit that is as good as 1000-days visits


宵詣り【Night Visit】

宵詣り【Night Visit】is literally the event that we visit and pray for wishes at night.
It is usually held from August 9th to 16th aside from three days of 千日詣り【Thousand Days Visit】.

We’re only allowed to visit and pray at 清水寺【Kiyomizu-Dera Temple】dring a whole day between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. During this period, Everything at 清水寺【Kiyomizu-Dera Temple】is illuminated by blue light!!


Everything is so beautiful!! And we can spend a wonderful time there and see lots of different faces from day time! I believe it’s worth to visit!


This time, we have introduced many aspects of Kiyomizu-dera temple in Kyoto. When you come to Kyoto, you should visit there regardless of season. You can experience awesome atmosphere and nature.


Sightseeing Kyoto#1: 清水寺【Kiyomizu-Dera Temple】 Kyoto#2: 高台寺【Kodai-Ji Temple】 Kyoto#3: 金閣寺【Kinkaku-Ji […]


・ Open: 8/9~8/16 6 A.M to 8 P.M (Depending on the Season and Date)

・Admission Fee: 400 yen

・English HP URL:


How are these 2 spots?!
Aren’t you interested in them??

To be honest, there are more interesting and awesome, beautiful places at Kiyomizu-temple that I can’t introduce all of them to you.

Please go and see them directly!!
And then I want you to get an awesome experience there!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did!!
And if you did, don’t forget to give me a message or share with your friends!!

I’m very pleased to get your messages!

Alright! Guys! Thank you so much for watching!!
I hope you will spend a wonderful time today.
See you later!