Kamakura-Enoshima#3:Day trip part3

Let’s continue where we left off last time

Today’s topic is ‘鎌倉 Kamakura’

I went to Kamakura after I went to Enoshima.
Kamakura is so near Enoshima, it just takes 15 minutes by train.
The train between Enoshima and Kamakura is called ‘江ノ電 Enoden’

It was very popular train in Japan because of its appearance and color!


And then I went to ‘鶴岡八幡宮 Tsuruoka Hatiman Gu’
That looks awesome and nice color, I really like it!

You can go there through the ‘小町通り Komachi street’
There are many shops and restaurants along the street!!
(I forgot to take pictures…that’s awful…)

And then after you go through this street, you can get to the 鶴岡八幡宮!!


And also you can go to many good places like bellow

報国寺 Houkoku Temple
You can get the green tea there!!
But I’ve not tried that yet, so I wanna try next time I go there!

Extra lol


I wanna talk about Kamakura more specific with you but…
I don’t have pictures and there are so many places I’ve not gone, so it’s be a bit ambiguous post!

But I’ll definitely be back to Kamakura and post better contents about Kamakura!!

Now I’m coming Kyoto and I’m gonna walk around here tomorrow!
So next topics is about ご朱印帳 ‘Collecting the ink stamps’ or something about my trip!!
I also wanna show you some Japanese guest houses!!


Alright! Guys! Thank you so much for watching!!
I hope you will spend wonderful time today.
See you later!